Came in on Monday morning after my doctors appointment after my few days of being ill - determined to get on and do some work, lasted 2 hours before I had to go home. I'm really enjoying the work I'm doing here and obviously I was really keen to get into the office. Another day of rest should do the trick.
I'm back! Finally started to feel better after my few days of being ill (turns out I had tonsillitis) and I finally can get back to work. I've hated having these few days off but I am excited to be back to finish off the last two weeks of my work placement. I started off the day briefing with Nick about the student accommodation project that I have been working on with him. As you may remember, during weeks 1 and 3, I worked on some 3D models of a student accommodation studio. (Seen below and in Blog Post 1 & 3)

Nick and Sarah presented this to the client who really liked some of my ideas (exciting!!) and he only had a couple of minor things that he wanted to change. Nick and I revised the previous documents and made notes on the changes that needed to be made and I worked on this for the remainder of the day. Some of the changes I made included removing accessories (to create more of a blank canvas and to show more of the joinery) changing some of the finishes on furniture and also modifying small pieces of furniture to make it a bit more simplistic. Below you can see the changes I have made by looking at the sections of the space.

Above is the before and after of the kitchen and media unit section of the space. As you can see there are not too many changes to the overall layout. The client wanted the unit to be much more simplified so instead of having "sandwiched" shelving I changed it to just one layer with a wood effect on the facade. I also changed the colour of the unit to a light grey rather than the original white so that it flows better with the overall space. For this model I took out many of the details so that the client could easily look at the joinery. On the right hand side, we changed the top three sections into shelving compartments with the green colour from the scheme, and kept the bottom three as large drawers for storage. I have also added a wooden background behind the television to add more character to the space. We believe the revised model will suit the clients specifications much more than the initial one.

Above is the before and after of the bedroom and study space. As you can see, this has changed a fair bit more than the other section. I have simplified the model by taking out most of the details so that the client, again, could focus more on the joinery. The bed is the main change - it was decided that a simple divan and headboard would be better as it is much more simple and probably cheaper than the option before (remember, this is a large scale student accommodation project so if things can be done cheaper its probably better) the shelving above the desk was opened up and the cork board section made smaller. There is now a smaller coat hook area as you enter the space near the door, and a small mirror above the radiator.
This week I have mostly been working on the student accommodation project - going back and forth changing details and creating models and animations to make it better suited to the clients specification. Below is the amended animation I made for the client.
This week has been really focused on the Portsmouth project due to the up and coming meetings that Nick and Sarah have with the client. I have been working a lot on Sketchup throughout the week and developing designs, as well as going over first revisions and making amendments.
Below you can see I have started to play around with where things can go in the common area, and next week I will continue to develop this.

I can't believe I am coming to the end of placement! Time really does fly when you're having fun. Sounds silly, but I haven't once woken up throughout my whole placement experience and dreaded going to work, I've really enjoyed every single day here. The team are so great and are really encouraging in what I do, they are always ready to answer questions I may have and are always willing to help. Next week I hope to carry on developing the Portsmouth project designs, this is a huge project, which the director has asked for my assistance on over the summer, very exciting!! I look forward to seeing everything come to life.